I'm reading The Magician's Assistant by Ann
Patchett. Now I want a pet rabbit. I've been thinking a lot about how superior rabbits are to other pets, especially when I'm sitting in my Fluid Mechanics class and the professor starts talking about conservation of mass, and I begin wondering about magicians making things appear out of black top hats... that brings me to the rabbit. The rabbit's name is Rabbit. It would be all white and fluffy, and it would hop around all cute-like, and it wouldn't smell or scratch me. A lot more satisfying than a fish.

Then I picture fish
swimming through the pipes that the professor is drawing on the board. I stare at the pipes for a second before I realize I'm supposed to be paying attention.
This semester, I'm taking Circuits, Fluid Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Intermediate Engineering Analysis (
IEA), and Circuits lab. 14 credits. I've decided that I'm going to be super efficient this semester, pay attention in class, get everything done a week early, and never be stressed out.
haha...I make myself laugh.
After the group ride on Tuesday, I came home, ate, showered, and the propped my legs up against the wall with the Fluids book on my chest, all proud of the fact that I was, technically speaking, "multi-tasking." But here I am, a couple days later, sitting at my computer desk, writing in my blog because I don't have the motivation to do the circuits homework sitting in front of me.

Also, I decided I'm going to train for the 2012 Olympics. After spending time at the Olympic Training Center this summer, meeting some Olympic athletes, and watching the Olympics on TV, I can't deny they've been on my mind. Still, it was never really a goal of mine to go until now.
I was standing outside my
IEA class Tuesday, when one of my friends asked me to the football game on Saturday. I said, as I almost always say, "No, I don't think I can go."
"Aw, why not? It'll be fun."
"I think I've got a lot of training."
"You can still train, the game doesn't last all day."
"Yeah, but it throws me off schedule"
"What are you training for, anyway?"
It's the end of the season, so I'm not really training for anything, just trying to keep my fitness up. I didn't know what to say because this guy didn't know much about cycling, and I didn't want to delve into the extensive explanation of the road season, and base training, and time off. So I squirmed there for a second, contemplating what to say, until this came out:
"The Olympics."
hahahhaahaha....can't back down now. And I discovered something: who's going to question your decision to train when you tell them you're training for the Olympics?