Training camp in Tally was awesome! Morgo organized the whole thing, so the credit goes to her. I think there were about ten of us including my new teammate, Mandy, from south Florida, several guys from Georgia including Joey, Thomas, and Oscar, and of course my favorite person EVER! The Snowman!
If you know me, you'd know that my feet are pretty big for a girl. Sometimes I have a lot of trouble finding shoes big enough. I like Jason because the first thing he said when we met was: "Oh my GOD! You're feet are as big as boats!" That's a pretty unique greeting, isn't it? I like people who say it like it is. So now Jason and I are best friends! He even let me borrow his Yoga DVD this week.
Anyway, I'd been getting a little complacent training all by myself for so long, so camp fell at a perfect time! Like most cycling camps, we spent most of the time sleeping, eating, riding, and talking about chamois cream. On new year's eve, Morgan's mom had a party at her house, and we all had a really good time. Through the following two days, we were so beat from training and the party that we ended up watching The Hangover, Harry Potter, and Up three times each.
Nutella and animal crackers, the ultimate training food (almost on par with Lucky Charms).

Only at one point did I lose the desire to pedal. By the last day of camp, I'd already gone over the number of hours I needed to do that week. I woke up, put on my normal cold-weather clothes, and got on my bike. I'd been riding for about 10 seconds before I realized I didn't have enough clothes on. I kept getting colder and colder. All I wanted to do was coast until I fell over on the side of the road and could curl up in a ball for warmth. The real test came when Morgo started singing my all-time faaavortie song, Party in the U.S.A to me, and I didn't have the spirit to sing along. That's when I knew I had to turn around.
Now, I'm back at my apartment in Gainesville wondering how much I should worry about the fact that I'm graduating in a year. It's so much easier not worrying about it! Maybe if I pretend it doesn't exist it will go away.