Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Normal Life

24 days off the bike and counting...

It didn't feel so strange at first. I just noticed that I had more free time, free time that I spent doing things other than laying with my feet up against a wall.

Then I noticed I wasn't eating as much. In fact, my weekly grocery bill went from about $75 to $50 or less. And that made me realize that I spend heck of a lot of time (1) being hungry, (2) thinking about food, (3) not being able to think about anything but food, and (4) eating food.

So far, one of the best parts of the off season is that there's a TON less laundry to do. When you think about it, the non-athlete goes through about half as many clothes as I do. Food is pretty good-tasting, but laundry is never fun. Especially when you have to spend as much time as I do searching for quarters to run the washer and dryer.

Not everything is getting better though, now that I'm off the bike. I have to admit that along with the decline in the amount of food I eat and laundry I do, the number of times I shower each week has taken a turn for the worse. In my mind, if there's no sweat then there's no shower. But I'm gradually learning that that doesn't rule doesn't really hold past two days or so.

Other things:
I've lost a little weight
Had time to go mountain biking for the first time in two years and the third time EVER.
I only crashed once.
And this weekend, I'm about to participate in my first mountain bike race: The South East Collegiate Cycling Conference Championships! Wooooooo!

If I can get motivated enough, I might actually try to document this race with my digital camera. Then there will be pictures for my next blog!

See ya!

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