Cramped in the car after stage 2

Stage 1: Team Time Trail
17.1 km / 10.6 mi
The team I’m guest riding for, Verducci Breakaway Racing, doesn’t have a GC rider, so there wasn’t any pressure on us for the team time trial. All five of us used our road bikes without aero bars. We still rode strong; it just wasn’t worth bringing another five bikes and endless aero equipment along for a stage we really weren’t focusing on. We’re going for the green jersey for Theresa Cliff-Ryan, our sprinter.
Stage 2: Vintondale to Cairnbrook Road Race
78.2 km / 48.6 mi
Today’s stage went very well for me. I finished in the first group of riders and got 28th place. There were two climbs: 2.1 and 2.2 miles long respectively with a points sprint between them. I made it up the first climb easily (considering the terrain and who I was racing). One part was so steep that the moto near me simply rolled to a halt and toppled over. The downpour began after the second climb. I was glad for it. For one, it makes things interesting and prevents me from becoming complacent, and for two, years of swimming have taught me to suffer when I’m drenched. Still, that’s not to say I wasn’t scared out of my mind descending down those mountains when I couldn’t see the road in front of me. For all I knew I could be about to ride off a cliff. In the back of my mind I was seeing that one crash that they keep showing on Versus where the guy flips over the guard rail and his bike goes flipping up in the air. But I made it to the finish line alive. My teammates rolled over the line in the second and third groups back.
Doesn’t that sound like enough of an adventure for one day? Well did you know that it’s possible to fit six people, five bikes, and endless spare wheels and equipment into a Volvo station wagon? We drove back to start crammed in together like that because we couldn’t wait around in the rain for someone to get the second car.
Stage 3: Johnstown to Altoona Road Race
154.3 km / 95.9 mi
This stage also went well for me, all things considered. I got run off the road into a ditch and crashed less than a mile before the big climb of the day. I was up instantly getting my chain back on, and the neutral support mechanic was right there to help me and give me a push. Gary was there in the team car to make sure I was alright. I looked down at myself and my bike as I held onto the car. My handlebars were twisted sideways, drastically unaligned with the wheel. I pointed it out to him, but I kept going without fixing it so that I could catch up to the group before the climb. I sprinted back through the caravan and caught the group right as they hit the climb. I managed to hold my own up the climb but I didn’t make it in with the first groups. I slid back into 33rd in the GC. Although everyone was exhausted that night after the race, I was mid-chapter in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when they decided to hit the lights. I went into the bathroom to finish the chapter (picture to come). They all thought that was quite hilarious and made fun of me for being one of those fanatic HP fans. But they know nothing. In my opinion I was pacing myself quite well. Last time I was up only for restroom breaks and food and I couldn't see right for a couple hours after I finished. But in my circle of friends that's quite normal.
1 comment:
I'm sorry you crashed! I have no tour coverage here so I don't know the crash you're talking about, but I can imagine (and believe me, it's probably worse to let me imagine it). I completely sympathize with your Harry Potter reading. I finished it the same day it came out; well, it was 12:30, but I hadn't slept so it still counts as the same day.
I hope that Theresa does well with you on her team.
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