Friday, March 27, 2009


Kept me going before, during, and after the stage today. Basically, they're awesome.

They come in three delicious flavors:
Peanut butter and dark chocolate
Peanut butter and jelly
Peanut butter and banana

and my favorite is the peanut butter and dark chocolate. To answer your question: No. Nobody is paying me to say this. They really are good!

Today's stage was awsome for the team. Kori was in a break for a good while and Alison moved up into 3rd in GC. The 30+mph sustained winds made it brutal, technical, and sketchy, especially on the 1st lap when we still had all 140 riders.

My legs were on-and-off today. I could go hard for forever, but I had trouble going up the second climb after resting on the decent from the first. I'd start pedaling and my legs wouldn't do anything until about halfway up. I think I need to do more interval training.

Tonight, looking forward to a lovely dinner with the team at the host family's place. The host father, Kevin, is grilling swordfish and salmon for us! I've never had swordfish before, and I can't wait! Also, there's rumors of a chocolate cake for desert. I love food.

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